Friday, July 20, 2018

This is the logo I designed for Adventure Gamers last year.

Gnarly Narwhal Bar on the Island of San Pendejo in the town of Bodacious Bay. This image is from my adventure game you can find on Steam called Duke Grabowski: Mighty Swashbuckler. 

This is my version of the demon Demogorgon from the 1st Edition Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual. Its a two headed mandrill with tentacle arms and chicken legs. These two are having an argument and are not speaking to each other.

This is background art test for a side-scroller video game me and few guys I know were thinking about doing, but we figured out our schedules weren't going to match up so we called the project off. It was called Miskatonic Mary, about a super geniusn little girl who goes to Miskatonic University, the infamous university mentioned in a lot of H.P. Lovecraft books. She gets picked on and use the Necronomicon she read at the University Library to summon monster to beat up her bullies, but the gateway to the netherworld open up and won't close so evil monsters and evil corruption leaks out, so she fight the monsters using spells to save her city.